
Shaw CofE Primary School ensures the learning children experience in school incorporates the national curriculum and government initiatives. To find out more about the national curriculum, follow the link below.


Curriculum Intent at Shaw

At Shaw Primary we are lucky enough to have 'Up and Under Sports' delivering PE in KS2 currently and we also have 'Wiltshire Wildlife Trust' doing some forest school work with our year 6 class.

"Let your light Shine" Matthew 5:16

  • Our curriculum is topic-based. First-hand experience is given high priority.
  • We begin this exploration from the familiar and local and build on this to introduce increasingly less familiar and more distant ideas, concept and places.
  • Our values, both learning values and Christian values are woven throughout the full curriculum.
  • We make use of our locality whenever possible and have planned our knowledge progression to develop children’s understanding of the national and international importance and connectedness of Melksham, Wiltshire and the South West of England.

Updated: 05/02/2024 131 KB