At Shaw Primary, we have a very strong and experienced team. Leadership is delegated, and all voices are listened to. Shaw is a happy school where all staff share the school's vision and contribute towards it. This vision is also shared by the children as individuals, classes, the school council, the eco council, and as a whole school. They believe that their school is the best school, and so do we!
Senior Leadership
Mr Thomas Brewer - Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Natalie Burke - Deputy Headteacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs K Player - Year 6 and associate SLT
Mrs J Richardson - Reception - Hawks Class
Mrs Burke/Miss Butterfield - Year 1 - Kites Class
Mrs Cunningham - Year 2 - Eagles Class
Mrs M Munslow - Year 3 - Kestrels Class
Mx M Marchant - Year 4 - Osprey Class
Mr A Roney- Year 5 - Falcons Class
Mrs K Player - Year 6 - Buzzards Class
Teaching Assistants
Mrs E Dobson - Teaching Assistant
Mrs L Evans - Teaching Assistant
Mrs J Vines - Teaching Assistant
Mrs M Wangford - Teaching Assistant
Mrs L Wareham - Teaching Assistant
Mrs K Gillett- Teaching Assistant
Mrs K White- Teaching Assistant
Breakfast & After-school Club
Mrs M Wangford - Breakfast Club & After School Club Manager
Mrs E Dobson - Breakfast Club Assistant
Office Staff
Mrs C Bridge - Pupil Services Officer
Mrs S Cullen - Pupil Services Administrator
Midday Supervisory Assistant
Mrs M Wangford - Midday Supervisory Assistant
Mrs L Wareham - Midday Supervisory Assistant
Mrs E Dobson - Midday Supervisory Assistant
Mrs J Vines - Midday Supervisory Assistant
Mrs Parr - Midday Supervisory Assistant
Mrs K Gillett - Midday Supervisory Assistant
Mrs K White - Midday Supervisory Assistant
Estates Team
Mr M Davis - Site Manager
Mr R Guy - Site Assistant
Cleaning Team (Services Provided by Tenon FM)
Ms T Wheeler - Cleaner
Ms S Wheeler - Cleaner
Ms A Tanner - Cleaner
We are committed to supporting our staff team in every way that we can, including their mental health and well-being. Staff know who they can turn to with concerns and have access to external support through Care First, provided by The White Horse Federation.
Shaw CofE Primary School is not only a great school for pupils, it’s also a fantastic school for teachers. Working in partnership with The White Horse Federation, we offer teachers extensive support, fantastic resources, and a range of training opportunities. We welcome teachers of all experience, whether they have recently qualified or have been teaching pupils for many years. If you are interested in joining White Horse Primary, follow the link below.