Class Teachers

Mrs Woodhams - Teacher

Mrs White - Teaching Assistant

Across Key Stage 1, learning is fun. We aim to make progression from year to year as seamless as possible. Children are taught subjects and skills to a great extent through Topics. In English and Maths there is a carefully planned and progressive programme of skill development taught in groups and whole class lessons.

Year 1 sees the transition from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 1 over the first term in Year 1. The play-based approach to learning continues, with a progression in skills and challenge, ensuring that learning is engaging. The phonic approach to reading and writing continues, building on what the children learned in Reception. As Year 1 progresses, the children are introduced gradually to the other curriculum subjects, but even here play-based learning is key to steering them towards independent learning. They love Science investigations and observation. Throughout the year the children's progress is assessed in English and Maths by ongoing teacher assessments.