What is meant by Spirituality?

Children's spiritual development is vital at Shaw Primary School. We help children to develop a clear sense of themselves, others and the beyond this by the time they leave our school.

We recognise that the concept of spirituality is difficult to define however to have a shared vision for spirituality as a school we have worked with all stakeholders to work towards a shared understanding of what spirituality means to use at Shaw Primary School and how we support everyone to develop this within our school. At Shaw Primary School we aim to give all children opportunities to think about themselves, others, beauty and creation and the world beyond. We encourage children to become independent thinkers and wonderers. We model an environment of inclusion and respect. We allow children the space, process, imagination, relationships, intimacy and trust to be spiritual beings.

The Four Elements of Spirituality


At Shaw we reflect daily during our worship sessions. We use the candle as a symbol of reflection and focus as we thank God and consider what we can do more or less of to make the world a better place.


  • Awareness of feelings; ability to reflect and express
  • Awareness of our uniqueness; happiness with who we are
  • Gratitude for the things we have and the person we are
  • Exploration of personal faith
  • Development of imagination and creativity


  • Empathy and understanding; respect, tolerance
  • To love and be loved.
  • Making a difference; duty

Transcendence (Beyond)

  • Encountering/experiencing God (having a sense of what lies beyond the material/physical)
  • Ability to formulate and discuss the 'Big Questions' (e.g about life, death, suffering, nature of God)
  • Opportunities for prayer, connecting with God
  • Making sense of the world

Wonder and Beauty

  • Developing a sense of awe and wonder
  • Enjoying the miracles of everyday life
  • Taking time for what really matters
  • Appreciating beauty in art, music, nature


Prayer is a central part of our Christian distinctiveness at school. Children are taught about what prayer is and given opportunities each day to engage in collective invitational prayer, reflection, silent prayer and their own personal prayer if they choose to. In our whole school worship we have prayers written by 6 children and invite all the whole to join in sharing these prayers.

So what is Prayer?

Talking to God about anything on your mind.

Why do Christians pray?

Christians believe God hears and answer prayers. God says: "Call to me and I will answer you" Jeremiah 33:3

Who can pray?

Anyone and at any time!

What can I pray for?

  • We can thank God for good things.
  • We can praise him for the great things he has done, the world he has created and anything else!
  • We can say sorry when we get things wrong.
  • We can talk to him about things that trouble us.
  • We can ask God to help us or ask him for things we need.

Where can I pray?

We have a Chapel at Shaw Pupil Leadership | Shaw CofE Primary School and we encourage pupils to pray in this space when time is allocated.

These are some photos of prayers by our children at shaw: